위로 아래

nsr peer information 상태 체크

nsr peer information 상태 체크

nsradmin -p nsrexec -C "NSR peer information"



[root@ohsnw03 ~]# nsradmin -p nsrexec -C "NSR peer information"

Validate "NSR peer information" resources

Synopsis: For each NSR peer information resource in ohsnw03's NSRLA database, ve                                                                                             rify the 'NW instance ID' and 'certificate' attributes match those found in the                                                                                              peer's NSRLA resource.

 Peer 1 of 3
 Hostname: ohsora01
 Instance ID: 8e7d47e7-00000004-205939af-66c83de8-00010c00-47884929

 * The "NSR peer information" resource for ohsora01 in ohsnw03's NSRLA database                                                                                              is out of date. The "certificate" attribute does not match the one stored in ohs                                                                                             ora01's NSRLA resource. To correct the problem, delete the NSR peer information                                                                                              resource for ohsora01 in ohsnw03's NSRLA database.

 Matching certificates: No

 Peer 2 of 3
 Hostname: ohs
 Instance ID: 5526acf5-00000004-24af208f-66a2eea2-00011500-0c29015d
173680:nsradmin: RPC client handle: Connection refused.
172089:nsradmin: Unable to create the connection with 'portmapper' to host 'ohs'                                                                                              with address '' at port number 7938.
173677:nsradmin: Check whether the client services are running on the host '192.                                                                                             168.1.100'.

 * Unable to connect to ohs's NSRLA database: Remote system error - Connection r                                                                                             efused

 Matching certificates: N/A

 Peer 3 of 3
 Hostname: nwbackup01
 Instance ID: e5021cb9-00000004-8f594d44-66a32bf8-000180aa-b4e71789

 * Unable to connect to nwbackup01's NSRLA database: Unknown host

 Matching certificates: N/A


NSR peer information resources checked:       3
        RAP connect errors:                   2
        RAP query errors:                     0
        Resource mismatches:                  1
        Resources corrected:                  0

Peers with mismatched certificates/instance IDs: ohsora01

Unable to validate the following peers: ohs, nwbackup01

Total errors:                                 3






nsr peer information 에러 데이터 자동 삭제

nsr peer information 에러 데이터 자동 삭제

nsradmin -p nsrexec -C -y "NSR peer information"



지워졌는지 확인

portmapper 에러가 있어서 원격 통제가 되지 않는 ohs 클라이언트를 제외하고는 에러가 있던 nsr peer information이 모두 제거되었다.



에러가 제거된 후의 출력 결과



지워지는 peer와 안 지워지는 peer

peers with mismatched에 있는 클라이언트는 자동으로 peer 정보가 삭제된다

unable to validate에 있는 클라이언트는 자동으로 peer 정보가 지워지지 않는다






NetWorker: How to clear NSR peer information mismatches automatically using nsradmin -C | Dell US

Instructions NSR peer information resources contain the public keys for remote hosts used during RPCSEC_GSS authentication (nsrauth). When these resources get out of date, for example when a client regenerates its nsrauth keys by deleting its /nsr director
